« Allahouma ihdini fi man hadayt, wa 'afini fi man 'afayta wa tawallani fi man ta wallayt, wa barik li fi ma a'tayta, wa qini sharra ma qadayt, fa innaka taqdi wa la youqda 'alayk, innahou la yadhillou ma walayt, wa la ya'izzou man adayt, tabarakta rabbana wa ta'alayt, la mandja minka illa ilayk.

The hadeeth is reported by Abu Dawood, an-Nassai and authenticated by al Albani. The dowry of the prophet (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) taught Hassan ibn Ali. According to Imam-Nawawi, this is the unanimous opinion of the Ulemas. Here, qunout does not mean doua al qunout, but standing posture. Last point, the hadith narrated by Muslim, according to Jabir, where the prophet (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: " The greatest merit of prayer lies in the length of the qounout. But there is no harm in doing it before the ruku ', after finishing his recitation and before saying "Allah Allah". As for the question of whether to say the doua before or after the roukou, most of the hadiths indicate that one does doua al qounout after the inclination. That said, you can also invoke Allah with other words. There are several invocations of the qounout reported in the hadiths. Did they used to do the qounout during the soubh prayer? His father then replied, "Son, this was invented later. Still in this sense, a hadith authenticated by al Albani and reported by the 5 (except Abu Dawood), Abu Malik Malik al-Achdja'i said: " I said to father: dad, you prayed behind the messenger of Allah (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam), Abu Bakr,' Omar, 'Outhman and Ali (radiallahu 'anhoum). But it was temporary each time, for specific events, it was not a habit.

In the other direction, he was also doua al qunout for weak and oppressed believers. For example, during Fajr's prayer, he has already done doua Raal, Dhakwan and Oussayya because they had killed Koran bearers (in their hearts) sent by the Prophet sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam to transmit and learn religiion. What is sure, however, is that he was the qounout during periods of calamity. There is no authentic record that the Prophet (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) did so regularly. During the month of Ramadan, the invocation of the Qounout is done all over the world, almost every day during al witr prayer. This invocation is recommended when Muslims are affected by ordeals. It is advocated when the witr prayer by straightening up the incline. It helps to motivate ourselves for living a better life.Doua al qounout means an invocation that is recited during prayer when standing. It helps to complete the chances of praying Salah in the right manner. Now, let’s know the significant benefits of Dua Qunut.ĭua e Qunoot helps us to increase the Barakah in our Salary, Home, etc.

Everything is written in the Quran helps us. It is the main reason I am not saying anything about it’s meaning. But in general, I don’t know the exact meaning of this dua. They are saying dua Qunoot means obedient. Description Dua Qunoot Importants & BenefitsĪctually, on the internet, you may have seen lots of articles about this dua.